Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Jan8-14 WODs

Sorry, I didn't get to make the videos this week.

We did the back squat/ nutrition clinic Mon night.

Back squat 3 sets of 5. Based on what we saw at the clinic everyone still needs work. If you can keep your back straight, heals on the ground, body relatively upright, and get your hips parallel with your knees, go ahead and throw some weight on. If you can't take all 3 sets to really focus on form and to focus on those requirements I just described.

Then: 3 rnds: 500m row, 15 pushups

Back squat 3 sets of 5. Based on what we saw at the clinic everyone still needs work. If you can keep your back straight, heals on the ground, body relatively upright, and get your hips parallel with your knees, go ahead and throw some weight on. If you can't take all 3 sets to really focus on form and to focus on those requirements I just described.

15-12-9 reps of
-box jumps (using a box height you are comfortable with, jump up and step down from the box. Stand all the way up at the top. If you can't jump on the box just step up and step back down.)
-Medicine Ball Soccer Throws
-Ring Rows

Let me know if you have any questions. I'll get the videos up again for next week's WODs.

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