Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas

On Christmas Eve, I had the guys do our version of the 12 Days of CrossFit.

Just like the song, you do 1rep of the first exercise, then 2 of the second and 1 of the first, then 3 of the third, 2 of the second, and 1 of the first, etc.

1 deadlift
2 power cleans
3 hand stand push-ups
4 sumo deadlift high pulls
5 ring dips
6 air squats
7 box jumps
8 kettle bell swings
9 pull-ups
10 thrusters
11 burpees
12 muscle-ups

It looked like complete chaos putting 40 Marines through that at the same time, but it turned out well.

Hope you all are enjoying the holidays with you families and loved ones.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hill Runs

We were on a machine gun range and had some down time while waiting for our turn to shoot.

With gear on:
50m hill run and back down
10 pushups
hill run
9 pushups
hill run
8 pushups
Hill run
1 pushup

most of my Marines finished around 8:30

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Photo courtesy of Marine Force Reserve
Run: 90 seconds on, 90 seconds off x 6

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Deadlifts then Burpees

He's just warming up
photo courtesy of CrossFit EastBay

Deadlift (DL) 2 Reps on the minute every minute for 10 minutes @ 85% of 1RM

Immediately following DL's 30 burpees for time

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Combat Fitness

While I'm getting ready to go away and during the deployment, I'm going to use this blog to share how we are getting ready for the challenges we will face in Afghanistan and to keep people posted with how we are doing.

Keep checking back for updates. I hope that our efforts set an example that you all may follow to achieve elite fitness.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Fran" & Goodbye

I want to thank all of the athletes and coaches of 3Rivers CrossFit. I have made many good friends and the intensity with which you all approach the workouts and your lives keeps me motivated. I hope that I have helped have a positive impact on your lives and that you all keep progressing from where you are.

I expect when I get back from Afghanistan that I will have a gym full of bad asses and potential Games contenders.

Because the last time I PR's was a year ago on my birthday:


See you all there!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

DeadLift/ Dips/ K2E





Post times to comments

Monday, September 28, 2009

Row/ Burpess/ DeadLift


500M ROW


15 DEADLIFT 225/155


I won't be there tonight, but the gym will still be open. Shoot me an email if you have any questions. threeriverscrossfit@gmail.com

Friday, September 25, 2009

Cancelled Class and Big Event Sat.

View Larger Map

View Larger Map

We are closed Fri because of the G-20 and closed Sat for FGBIV to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project and Athletes for a Cure. It will be at CrossFit Pittsburgh. See the above maps for directions. Hope some of you can make it out.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

DeadLift/ Snatch Pull

Reminder I won't be there tonight.
If you are competing in FGBIV take today and tomorrow as rest days.

warm-up, start counting when it gets heavy and keep adding weight for all 5 sets. Keep good form. If you can't maintain your technique, go down in weight.

Snatch pull
Pick a weight higher than your 1RM snatch and pull it from the ground as high as you can explosively. It should feel relatively light after the deadlifts.

Post weights to comments

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Double Unders/ Push Press/ Air Squat

Reminder- I won't be there tonight so class will be unsupervised.

5rnds for time
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders (decrease by 10 each round) (do x4 if you can only do singles)
12x Push Press (Rx'd as 95 for men/ 65 for women, but scale as needed)
30x Air Squats

Post times to comments

Stupid G20

I won't be able to make it up tonight or tomorrow night because of the G-20. The gym will still be open however so, I will post the WODs and you can do them on your own.

Feel free to shoot me an email or give me a call 412-606-8092 if you have any questions.

Friday the gym will be closed.

Sat we will be at CrossFit Pittsburgh for Fight Gone Bad! Even if you haven't registered come down and check it out. They are having their grand opening at their new facility and it will be a great time.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fat Elizabeth

Squat Clean
Weighted Ring Dips

Post times to comments

Monday, September 21, 2009

OH Push/ Pull Ladders

HSPU Ladder
Rest 3minutes
Then, Pull-up Ladder

1 the 1st minute
2 the 2nd
3 the 3rd
until you can't complete the number of reps within the minute

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Row/ Muscle-ups/ Snatch

500m row
15x Muscle-ups
5x Squat Snatches
10x Muscle-ups
10x Squat Snatches
5x Muscle-ups
15x Squat Snatches
500m row

Friday, September 18, 2009

Front Lever Practice

Practice the front lever today on the rings.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Double Unders

The 5PM class will be unsupervised this evening (I have an obligation at Pitt)
The 6PM class will be coached see you there.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rowing Sprints

10x 100m rowing sprints

And I take it back, I've been all wrong about barefoot running.
Read this very serious article that changed my mind.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Overhead Squat/ Bench Press/ Weighted Pull-ups

2 of 3 Overhead Squat
3 of 5 Bench Press
1 set of Weighted Pull-ups

Monday, September 14, 2009


photo courtesy of Forged Fitness
Hand Stand Push-ups

Post times to comments.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


"CrossFit Total"

1RM Back Squat
1RM Shoulder Press
1RM DeadLift

Friday, September 11, 2009


We will never forget.
"For all the Heroes"
15x HSPU (J.T.)
50x Back Extensions (Michael)
100x Pull-ups (Murph)
21x Thrusters (Daniel)
15x OHS (Josh)
30x Squat Cleans (Badger)
10x Muscle-ups (Jason)
21x DB Snatch (each arm) (Joshie)
15x DB Split Clean (Erin)
21x Burpees (Ryan)
1 lap Backwards Run (Griff)
30x GHD Sit-ups (Mr. Joshua)
9x Rope Climb Ascents (Tommy V.)
8x KB swings (Nate)
25x Power Snatches (Randy)
4x DeadLifts -
3x Hang Power Cleans- (DT)
2x Push Jerks-
30x Box Jumps (Danny)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rows Thrusters & Lunges

AMRAP in 12:
250m row
7x Thrusters
7x Power Lunges (each leg)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Weighted Pull-ups & Snatch High Pulls

Do a pull-up for max weight

5 of 1 Snatch High Pulls

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Homework Sep7-13

Read "7 Reasons to Eat More Saturated Fat"

Burpee Ladder

Do 1 burpee the first minute, 2 the second minute, 3 the 3rd. . . until you can't complete the reps within the minute.

Monday, September 7, 2009

We're on!

Class will be held today inspite of the holiday. We could all stand to work off the BBQ and beer from this weekend. Regular class at 5 and 6. Beginners class at 7.

Post time to comments

Friday, September 4, 2009

Dot, Clap, N' Snatch

Snatch x3
Dot Drill
Clapping Push-ups x12

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Squats & HSPU

Welcome home Nick! I know Christin is really happy to have you home.

Back Squat 3 of 5
Max set of Hand Stand Push-ups

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Filthy Fifty"

Filthy Fifty from ThreeRivers CrossFit on Vimeo.

50 Box jump

50 Jumping Pull-ups

50 Kettlebell swings

50 Walking Lunges

50 Knees to elbows

50 Push press

50 Back extensions

50 Sit-ups

50 Burpees

50 Double unders

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Modified "Daniel"

Dedicated to Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree who was killed in Al Kut, Iraq on Thursday June 8th 2006.

50 Pull-ups
40 Double Unders
21 Thrusters (If you did at least 2 of the 3 WODs from last week (J.T., Fran, Max Weight Thrusters: sub Deadlifts today)
80 Double Unders
21 Thrusters (or deadlifts)
40 Double Unders
50 Pull-ups

Monday, August 31, 2009

Row & Jerk

2k row
3 0f 2 Jerk. 1st one in front second one from the back.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Gillian Mounsey does "Linda" with a blazing fast time
Video courtesy of CFHQ

"Linda" AKA 3 bars of death:
Bench Press

Friday, August 28, 2009

Box Jump, Squat, Dot Drill

Box Jump for max height
Back Squat 2 of 3
Dot Drill

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Weightlifting Webcast

Rodger DeGarmo Memorial/World Team Secondary Qualifier WEB CAST

USA Weightlifting is pleased to announce that the Rodger DeGarmo Memorial/WT2Q will be web cast this weekend (August 29 & 30). This web cast is made possible by the USOC. To access the feed for this event, please visit the following link: http://events.usoc.org/weightlifting.

Please note that if the feed cuts off during or after a session, refresh your screen to continue viewing. We hope you will be able to tune in to this exciting event!

Unsupervised time

Hey everyone, I had something pop up at work and won't be in for the 5PM class. The doors will still be open and you can go through movement prep and do "Fran" on your own if you like.

If you'd rather wait for a coach, I'll be there at 6PM.

Good Luck!

Duhnt, duhnt, duh!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

5k for Jill

href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh79rnC-5vSjwsvRWx8vYwCB2dLtX0A7vPNGY4grEj42huZeP6ALVqqt6QPNvnk9ZnImAe6W8DJv62RsVxzf-lIUhgjb3sLrH0tQ2hLzg1pXxmceC-m7E7U_fx9vNq_7q6CmlhnirFydRM/s1600-h/5k4Jill.bmp">I wanted to let everyone know that we will be supporting the "5k for Jill" Sat Oct 10th at 10AM. It will be a fun run through local Economy Park. Proceeds will benefit local resident Jill Smith who is battling pancreatic cancer.

Click on the picture above to download the application. See you all there in your bright yellow 3RCF T-shirts.


In honor of Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA,
who was killed in Afghanistan June 2005
Photo Courtesy of CrossFit.com
Hand Stand Push-ups

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thrusters & Fun

photo courtesy of CFNC

3 of 1 Thrusters for max weight.

10x inverted burpees
25x double unders

Monday, August 24, 2009

Homework 8/24-29

Your homework this week isn't academic. Go to www.fgb4.org and sign up for the event Sat. Sept 26th. Then email all your friends and family and ask for their support. I've got some nice prizes all ready and plan on this being an even bigger success than last year.

Snatch Practice

Practice on snatch technique tonight. We'll break out the video camera and drill technique at light weight.

Hopefully, we can get it looking this pretty.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Row & Jumps

Remember, the 9AM class is cancelled as well as the 10AM Ramp-up.

Unsupervised times will be available from 10:30AM-12:30PM.
3x 500m row@8-10dampner
max ceiling touches in 1min

See you all next week!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Run& Row

Run 40 shuttle
Row 1000
Run 20 Shuttle
Row 500
Run10 Shuttle

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Class Cancelled Saturday

Hey everyone,

The Saturday morning class is going to unfortunately have to be cancelled.

We will change it to unsupervised hours from 10:30-12:30.

Good luck and have fun!

See you all on Monday.

Press/ Muscle-ups/ Box Jumps 1/2/3

7rnds: 1xShoulderPress 2x Muscle-ups 3x Box Jumps

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Snatch & Dot Drill

Snatch 5 of 1
Dot Drill 3 times

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Front Planche

Practice the front planche on the rings. See how close you can get to being straight out on them.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Front Squat& DeadLift

Front Squat

Post times to comments

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Adjusted Hours

I will be out of town with the Marines next week in Ghana teaching physical security to their military. There will be a change in the schedule with unsupervised times available. The schedule will continue to be posted on the blog.



6-7PM (Jason should be there to run class)


Lorenzo will run class at 5PM

Lorenzo will run class at 9AM and Ramp-up at 10AM

Have a good week everyone!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hip Extensions/ Push Press/ Run

15x Hip Extensions
15x PushPress
20 Shuttle Runs

Post times to comments

Friday, August 14, 2009

OverHead Squats & GHD Sit-ups

7x Overhead Squats
15x GHD Sit-ups

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pull-ups & Box Jumps

3 of 5 weighted pull-ups
box jump for max height

Post weights and height to comments.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Clean Practice

We will be working on our clean technique today.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Double Unders/ Push-ups/ Cleans

30xDouble Unders
12x Clapping Push-ups

Monday, August 10, 2009

This Week's Homework

Read the Starting Strength FAQ Introduction. There will be a quiz.

Row/ Pull-up AMRAP

AMRAP in 20 min:
250m row
10 Pull-ups

Post number of rounds to comments

Saturday, August 8, 2009

2k row

Erin Cafaro, US Row Team gold medalist, San Francisco CrossFit
Image courtesy of CrossFit Endurance

2k Row for time.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Back Squats and pull-ups+ double unders

3 of 3 back squat then:
AMRAP in 10min
12 pull-ups
25 double unders.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pistol Practice

We are going to practice one legged squats today. We will scale it to your ability

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Heavy Row& Thrusters

500m row (Dampner set between 8-10)
15-12-9 Thrusters

Post time to comments

6PM class is still open, but there will be no coach onsite. 5PM class will be supervised as normal.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


5 of 1.

Shoot for a new PR.

Monday, August 3, 2009

This week's homework

Join Mark's Daily Apple's Primal Blueprint Challenge

The Primal Blueprint Health Challenge from Mark Sisson on Vimeo.

It's doing the right thing for a month with a supportive community and there's a chance to win prizes. This isn't a competitive event. It's about taking that first step (or second because if you are doing CrossFit you all ready have taken the first step at the very least.) towards a healthier happier primal life.

Run/ Dips/ Pistols

image courtesy of Drills & Skills.com
Check out how awesome his depth is
15 shuttle runs
15 Ring Dips
10 one legged squats (alternating)

Friday, July 31, 2009


I apologize, but we are closed again this Sat morning. I am taking steps to limit this from happening again. Things will be back to normal next week.

See you all Monday.



Sorry for the inconvenience everyone. We are closed today. We'll see everyone Sat morning.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Death by Pull-up"

10 rounds:
3 Weighted Pull-ups
5 DeadHang Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-ups

Make sure you clean up your calluses.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"Reverse Push/Pull Jackie"

**The 5 PM Class is cancelled. The 6PM class will be held as scheduled.**

"Jackie" is 500m row, 50 Thrusters, 30 Pull-ups

Today we are going to do:

500m row
50 DeadLifts
30 Push-ups

Post times to comments

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


We are closed today. Go out and run a 5k.

Post times to comments.

Monday, July 27, 2009

"Rowing Nicole"

***5:00pm Class is CANCELED. 6:00pm Class is still available***
AMRepsAP in 20min:
Row 400m
Max Reps Pull-ups

Your score is the total number of pull-ups. When you come off the bar, you have to move back to the rower.

Post number of pull-ups and rounds to comments.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

This Week's Schedule

This week, we have a few cancelations.

5PM class cancelled

Closed- All classes cancelled

5PM Class cancelled
Tuesday's Ramp-up Class moved to Wed at 7PM

Normal Classes

Closed- All classes cancelled

Sat- Normal Classes

Sorry for the inconvenience (enjoy the rest days)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Clean & Jerk Practice

Practive the clean & jerk today. Really work on developing perfect technique.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Class Cancelled

Class is cancelled today.

The WOD would have been:
100m Run
150m Row
25 Double Unders

If you can do this on your own (maybe replace the row with a 25m swim) gie it a go and let me know how it turns out for you.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Front Squats Double Unders & PUll-ups

1 set of 5 Front Squats

50 Double Unders
25 Pull-ups
40 Double Unders
20 Pull-ups
30 Double Unders
15 Pull-ups
20 Double Unders
10 Pull-ups
10 Double Unders
5 Pull-ups

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Row& Thrusters

5PM Class is cancelled today. Jason will be teaching the 6PM Class.

Row 500m
21-15-9 Thrusters

Post times to comments

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Bench Press

Post times to comments.

Monday, July 20, 2009

DeadLift/ Burpees & Run

5PM Class Cancelled today.
Jason will be running the 6PM Class.

3 attempts at a new DeadLift PR.

10 Burpees
10 Shuttle Runs

Post times to comments

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Bench Press (Rx= Body Weight) Max Reps
Pull-ups for Max Reps

Rest as needed between rounds.
Score= total reps

Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17, 2009

Tonight's Ball and Chain WOD, come in and find out what it is.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


400m run
21 KB Swings
12 Pull-ups

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Shorter Harder Annie"

Chris hit his first muscle-up the other day. Congratulations Chris!

GHD Sit-ups

Post times to comments.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Run n' Row

For time:
Run- 40 shuttle runs
Row- 1000m
Run- 20 Shuttle runs
Row- 500m
Run- 10 Shuttle runs
Row- 250m

Monday, July 13, 2009

Jerk Practice

Today we will be doing drills to improve the jerk. No going heavy, just working on technique.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Analyzing the Thruster

image courtesy of CrossFit.com

The thruster has been called the king of metabolic exercises. The combination of a front squat to a push press can be absolutely brutal. But what makes it so killer, and how do you do it right?

First, let's look at the metabolic demand the thruster places on you. We measure intensity as power which = (FxD)/t or Force times Distance divided by time. The thruster allows us to move a significant amount of weight (Force) over one of the longest distances possible (Distance) with a very fast rate of both movement and cycle rate (time).

As you can see in this graph, the more the power output, the more demand on the various energy systems. Compare the thruster to other exercises and you will see why it is so demanding. The deadlift or squat allow us to move more weight, but it is over a shorter distance limiting the power output. The snatch covers a longer distance coming all the way from the floor to overhead, and it is faster than the thruster, but the cycle time prevents it from being as demanding once you go beyond a few reps.

So, how do we do it right and get the most out of the thruster? So, we start like the setup for the front squat with the bar resting on the shoulders, feet shoulder width apart, weight on the heals, back straight. The difference is that in the front squat you want to have your elbows up high so that your upper arms are parallel to the ground. In the thruster, they do need to be up enough that the bar can rest on your shoulders, but they don't need to be up so high that you have no pushing power.

As you descend into the squat, you really need to keep a tight core because if you are soft at the bottom, not only do you risk injury, but you will come out of the whole slowly and waste a lot of energy trying to finish the thruster. EXPLODE out of the bottom and drive up hard from the hips. It is essential that the bar is resting on the shoulders as you come back up. If you start pushing early, you are wasting the momentum that your legs are trying to contribute to the bar.

Once you reach full hip extension, that is when you start the push. It needs to be as straight up and down as possible. You will have to pull your head back as the bar passes in front of your face. As soon as the bar passes the head though, you need to get your head back under the bar. The cue I normally give is "look through the window". At the top, continue to press the bar to the ceiling to achieve active shoulders and pull back on the bar with scapular retraction.

Now you have completed 1 repetition, but your return is just as important as how you got the bar up. You can not just drop into the next rep. First, lower the bar to the shoulders keeping your elbows forward of the bar. Once the bar is resting on the shoulders again, you are ready to bend the hips and start your next repetition.

The smoother and straighter you make the movement of the bar, the more efficient your thrusters will be. Now you are ready to thrash yourself. Here are some final points about training the thruster. Remember that while we can do the thruster as a max strength exercise, is best suited for metabolic conditioning. So, you want to choose a weight that allows you to achieve the greatest metabolic demand. There was a great article in the CrossFit Journal titled "Fooling Around with Fran" where Greg Amundson tested his "Fran" with various weights and rep schemes. The time he was able to complete the workout changed. By analyzing this, he was able to find the best weight for him to train with in order to challenge his metabolic system. The weight that allows you the highest power output is where you want to train this exercise most often. This will change over time as you get stronger and as your endurance and stamina improve, but essentially you can take the 3 Bears approach. You don't want it to be too heavy, but you don't want it to be too light. Somewhere in between is going to be just right.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out and start practicing yourself on the fast track to "Pukie".

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Farmer's Walk & Muscle-ups

image courtesy of CrossFit Affliction

1min KettleBell Farmer's Walk for reps
1min Muscle-ups for reps
1min rest

Friday, July 10, 2009

DeadLift & Run

DeadLift x12
Shuttle Run x20

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Flip Grip & Rip

30 reps for time:
KettleBell Swing

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cleans Row& Burpee

image from the MidAtlantic Qualifiers courtesy of Havoc Fitness

Clean 4 of 2.

AMRAP in 7min:
150m row
15x Burpees

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


image courtesy of CrossFit Threshold

Muscle-up PRactice today. We'll go through the progressions and help you work towards your first muscle-up. Or if you have a muscle-up, we'll work on stringing multiples together.

Monday, July 6, 2009

"Heavy Fran"

Greg Amundson rocking out "Heavy Fran"
Photo and video courtesy of CrossFit.com

Heavy Thrusters
Weighted Pull-ups

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Earn Your Leisure

Yesterday, I had a conversation with Lorenzo who relayed his frustrations with getting his family to understand CrossFit. They call it "progressive suicide". They think it's too hard and thus dangerous, and like many people, they think "fit" is looking emaciated rather than being able to actually do things. Why do we bother squatting and deadlifting if all girls care about is six pack abs and bulging biceps? Why do we lay it all out in a WOD, when the rest of the fitness world tells us that we can achieve fitness with just 20 minutes of walking 3 days a week? There seems to be this idea that as humans continue to evolve, we don't need high intensity exercise and that we will adapt to modern activity demands, or lack thereof.

I argue that following this line of thinking is the real "progressive suicide". There was a great article by Paul M. Ribisl, Ph.D. in the ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal from March/ April 2004. In this article he points out some important things to consider. First, the vast majority of our current genome was established during the Paleolithic Era (50,000-10,000 B.C.) This was a time when man had to hunt and forage for food and lived an active lifestyle of "feast and famine". This lead to the survival of our ancestors with the "Thrifty Gene", which allowed for the caveman to efficiently use energy both when it was available and when it wasn't. This same gene has been passed on to us today except we are in a period of "feast and rest" which our "thrifty gene" seems to be punishing us for. We have not adapted well to the diet of the Neolithic Era. In the days of the hunter/ gatherer, man used 1,000Calories/ day in physical activity and ate an average of 3,000Calories/ day for a 3:1 intake to expenditure rate. Today we eat 2,100Calories/ day and only expend 300Calories/ day in physical activity. This gives a 7:1 ratio and explains why obesity is on the rise.

The advancements of the Neolithic Era were an amazing achievement in their time and allowed for a greater abundance of food in less competitive environment. This created the conditions for society to grow and develop and as our farming practices got better, the human population increased. But, the development of agriculture was still physically demanding, and the roles of society still demanded physical labor for the vast majority of people.

The downside of this increased abundance is that in these quantities, we weren't meant to be eating grains, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners. Our genetic code isn't evolutionarily programmed for that. Combine that with the wonders of modern medicine in cholesterol medication, insulin, blood pressure meds, triple bypass surgery, etc. and we have gone against Darwin's law of Survival of the Fittest and allowed weaker genes to get passed along. So, rather than evolving with our technological advances, we are sealing our fate and dependency on medicine.

The only way to fight this is to choose better food, and increase our activity levels. As our lives become physically easier with service industry jobs rather than physical labor, driving rather than walking and biking, and online shopping rather than even walking through the mall; we need to supplement that physical activity just like we would supplement a malnourished diet. The easier and more leisurely our lives, the more intensity we need to bring into it to maintain a healthful high quality of life.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

Clapping Push-ups
Jump Squats

Friday, July 3, 2009

Run/ KettleBell Swings/ Pull-ups

Men's Health had the KettleBell Swing listed as "the best new exercise" Someone should tell them that KBs have been around for a long ass time.

AMRAP in 15minutes:
200m run
12 KB Swings (heavy)
7 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Big Box Jump

image courtesy of CF West Santa Cruz

Attemp a box jump for max height
Dead Hang Pull-ups 3 sets of Max Reps

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Clean Practice

Image courtesy of TheSpec.com
Add your caption to comments
Frankenstein Squats
Tall Muscle Clean
ScareCrow Cean
Tall Clean
Hang Clean

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

100m sprints

10x 100m Sprints

image courtesy of motivate.maths.org

Monday, June 29, 2009

Shoulder Press/ Pull-ups/ Double Unders

image courtesy of St Pete CrossFit
Shoulder Press 3 of 5
Weighted Pull-up for 1rep max
Double Unders for max reps

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Adrenal Fatigue: The Naturopathic Boogey Man

I'm seeing this "diagnosis" more and more often. First it started sprouting up on message boards frequented by naturopathic doctors, and somehow it has made its way into the fitness community. Often times athletes complain of symptoms that would normally be dismissed as overtraining, yet, on message boards and forums, naturopaths and nutritionists are telling them they have adrenal fatigue. What's worse is their information is down right incorrect. On one forum, I read that adrenal fatigue makes you retain fat. If they had any understanding of adrenal deficiency they would know that impaired adrenal function causes weight loss. Before I get too far, let's address what adrenal fatigue is. Some of the common symptoms are being tired, having trouble getting up in the morning, caffeine addiction, feeling run down, feeling stressed, craving salty or sweet snacks, struggling to keep up with life's demands, illness, stress, and not having fun anymore. You may have just one symptom or all of them. Some common causes of adrenal fatigue are lack of sleep, eating flour or sugar, not eating enough raw vegetables, using caffeine, eating sweet or salty foods, staying up late, trying to be perfect, no win situations, driving yourself, or too few enjoyable activities. The condition of adrenal fatigue is reached when the amount of stress exceeds the body's ability to cope with with stress.

Considering these symptoms and causes, it's clear that absolutely everyone is at risk of developing adrenal fatigue. For those of you with experience in pathology, you know that this is not possible. Conditions with symptoms that overlap and apply to everyone smack of fear mongering. Adrenal fatigue reminds me of a book I read by Dr. Sarno, The Mindbody Prescription. In it, Dr. Sarno discusses the many psychosomatic "diseases" that have progressed over the years. It used to be that everyone had ulcers, then migraines, all children had ADD, back pain, tension myositis syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, and I feel that adrenal fatigue is simply the next ailment that everyone has. Please don't misinterpret what I'm saying here, if you have these symptoms, clearly something is not functioning optimally, but the diagnosis of adrenal fatigue is a blanket diagnosis with no actual medical basis. Further, just because something is psychosomatic doesn't mean you aren't actually experiencing the symptoms, but there must be an underlying condition. I believe in the power of the mind, but I believe that symptoms are the manifestation of underlying physiological disturbances.

Briefly, an opinion on why adrenal fatigue is an unlikely, if not impossible, condition. For thousands and thousands of years of human evolution, humans as a species existed like wild animals fleeing from predators, chasing prey, surviving extremes of cold and heat, fighting with other tribes, and fighting for survival on a daily basis. The idea that adrenal glands incapable of keeping up with daily high stress situations would have survived natural selection is absurd. Surely ancestors who did not have the capacity to produce adequate amounts of cortisol, aldosterone, and adrenaline would have been eliminated by the demands of survival long before civilization began to offer a slightly less dangerous life. Even still, let's imagine that some of those genes survived the paleolithic era, it would be hard to argue that the demands of daily life today are anywhere near the capacity of our adrenals. I would believe that our young men fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan are under a daily level of stress that could exceed their bodies' ability to produce stress hormones, but I do not believe that even the most overtrained athletes are anywhere near that stress level.

So, if it's not adrenal fatigue, what is it? Well, if you are in fact suffering from "adrenal insufficiency," then you likely have something more quantifiable like Addison's disease, Schmidt's syndrome, polyendocrine deficiency syndrome, tuberculosis, or amyloidosis. Most common in 30-50 year olds, it can be a life threatening disease. Inadequate production of the adrenal hormones causes weight loss, fatigue, body aches, low blood pressure, and hair loss. It can be diagnosed through blood tests and treated by taking hormones that mimic the hormones normally produced by the adrenals. Because of this hormonal deficiency, it is necessary for persons suffering from any of these conditions to carry an injectable form of cortisol with them and an identification card to alert emergency personnel to inject cortisol if they are found injured.

If you are not suffering from a chemical deficiency, but you are suffering from the symptoms of "adrenal fatigue," you are likely suffering from what was previously accepted as overtraining. Realize that once you reach a level of overtraining, it is absolutely miserable and can take up to 3 months to recover from. We can only push our bodies so far before we surpass our ability to recover and progress. If we push this threshold for too long, it can take weeks and even months before we return to a level where our capacity for recovery matches our level of training again, but it is necessary that we take this time off if we are to improve and progress as athletes.

As always, if you suspect that you may have some form of adrenal dysfunction or other condition, you should see your health care professional, and don't be afraid to ask for your doctor to order tests. It is your health, a good doctor will respect your concerns.

The Experience Is In the Coaching

Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been paying great attention to how other Crossfits and other gyms operate. It will come as no surprise that the primary focus of “globo-gyms” is simple, make money and don’t get sued. Not even safety, but simply don’t let people get injured in a manner where they could blame the facility. This is why there are machines everywhere, joint dysfunctions, movement dysfunctions, and fat people. I’m not criticizing them because they are fat, I’m only pointing out that their fitness program is failing to provide them with results.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, what about Crossfits? What is the primary focus of a Crossfit? First off, Crossfit is not a gym. The gym is simply a tool that Crossfit utilizes. You could build a gym in your garage just as easily, but a lifting platform, Olympic barbell set, and a pullup bar doesn’t make it a Crossfit. What is it that you, the athlete (or “client” as globo-gyms call you), are coming to Crossfit for? The answer is coaching. If you are looking for a gym, you can shop around for one with a spa, find one with a pool, look for something that Rocky Balboa would be proud of, or create your own in a basement or garage. If you’re looking for instruction and coaching, there is no equal to Crossfit.

This instruction is what makes Crossfit so special. It is an understanding of the movements both from experience and knowledge. The environment is conducive to developing great coaching. Anyone can study and get their CSCS, NASM, ACE, etc. Those certifications say nothing about the individual’s ability to coach or correct movement though. I’ve seen coaches with Master’s degrees and PhDs who can’t recognize or correct improper lumbar extension on a shoulder press or sacral flexion on a back squat. The certification, degree, or knowledge amounts to very little without the ability to apply it. The goal is to not only to perform the workout, but to perform it correctly. Simply completing the range of motion is not enough.

This reflects back on trainers above all. I believe Nicki Violetti posed the question first, if you are not providing coaching, then what are you providing? As a coach/trainer, whatever you chose to call yourself, it is your job to provide the best level of instruction and attention you are capable of. This means guiding your athletes through class from beginning to end providing feedback, both reinforcement and correction. Proper instruction requires 100% of your attention. Anything less than that is a failure to provide your athletes with appropriate coaching. Without it, small deviations in form such as an anteriorly rotated pelvis will manifest into conditions such as facet syndrome or SI joint dysfunction. It is not enough to just recognize the big things like a spine in flexion while deadlifting, the over extension is just as serious and actually more likely to cause injury. A failure to recognize these faults is as much a failure to coach as providing no instruction at all. Perfection is non-negotiable.

Simply because it’s still fresh in my mind, I refer back to my recent “Tour de Crossfit.” At some Crossfits, I saw coaches who prescribed the workout, gave instruction during the workout, and nothing more. At other Crossfits, I saw coaches who were more like cheerleaders than coaches, providing plenty of verbal motivation but relatively no useful instruction. But, at the best Crossfits, I saw coaches who from the time class started, their only focus was the athletes. They weren’t working out, they weren’t carrying on conversations, they weren’t cheerleading, they weren’t warming up for their workout, or distracted with anything. They were there to do one thing, coach. They led the athletes through the warm up, they instructed them on proper form and technique for the workout, and they provided both constructive criticism and positive reinforcement.

A great example of this professionalism is my friend, Sage Burgener. I attended as many of Sage’s weightlifting classes as I could get to. Each class, it was clear that she was there for her athletes. Class started with a warm up, where she not only instructed us on the progression, but also provided feedback on form and technique. Then she would begin the workout where she provided constant attention and instruction to the athletes. Her carefully trained eye quickly picked up every deviation in form, and she provided instant correction. While working with Sage, I learned to correct the second and third pull of my clean, and because of her instruction, I PR'd on my front squat while there, and I recently PR’d on my snatch upon my return home. The athletes who train with her regularly are very lucky to have such a focused and knowledgeable coach. Her positive attitude and genuine encouragement drove me to push hard, but her attention and instruction maintained my form and technique. Each time I worked with her, I improved as an athlete. I think that all coaches should follow an example like Sage and strive to conduct their classes in the same manner.

I also had the pleasure of training with Ben Oliver at Crossfit Coronado. Ben’s coaching is what I have based many of my recent changes on. Ben began class with movement prep which he led us through from movement to movement. He then explained the workout and took time to determine appropriate modifications for each athlete. I settled on a 1.5 pood kettlebell and a 30” box, however, a 2 pood kettlebell and a 36” box was available for those with the courage. During the workout, Ben moved among the athletes providing feedback and instruction. Because of Ben’s attention and knowledge, I was able to correct my form on my handstand pushups which allowed me to perform them pain free. His enthusiasm was contagious, and it was evident that everyone enjoyed training with him. Afterwards, Ben instructed everyone to cool down with some stretching and foam rolling. It was a great environment, one of the friendliest groups of people I’ve met, and an awesome coach to work with.

I relate these experiences because this is what makes Crossfit so unique. I could’ve bought a day pass to a YMCA and done some lame workout by myself, but at a Crossfit, the coaching you receive makes the workout. The same workout at any other place just woudn’t have been the same experience.

Clean & Jerk/ Run

Clean & Jerk x3
Run 200m

Friday, June 26, 2009

Jerk it up

photo courtesy of www.dynamic-eleiko.com

Work up to a heavy jerk weight.
4x Push Jerk lower the bar, Split Jerk

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Snatch Practice

Colombian Angela Medina performs during the women's 69 kg in the '07 PanAm Games
Photo courtesy of www.dailylife.com

OH Squat 3 sets
Snatch Balance 3 sets
Hang Snatch 3 sets
Snatch (until you get it right)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fight Gone Bad 4

We will be hosting FGBIV Sat, September 26th. Last year, our little gym raised $3,000 to support The Wounded Warrior Project and Athletes for a Cure and the CrossFit community as a whole raised over $500,000.

You can find more information at www.FGB4.org Sign up under the ThreeRivers CrossFit team. There will be divisions for all levels from beginners to elite CrossFitters. If you can't participate, please make a donation to support these two great causes.